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Flower Pens for ALL

Shawnee Despain

Flower pens are a staple in the Floral Design classroom. It is a simple and fun activity to get the year started and can be VERY economical. Follow along to see how I turned some pens I had laying around the house into a cute pen and activity that can be done in the classroom.

Materials you'll need:

  • Pen (using some of the free ones you get are great)

  • Floral Tape

  • Silk flower of your choice

  • Hot Glue

  • Scissors or Wire Cutters

To start you'll want to remove the clip of the pen if the one you are using has one, typically they snap right off with scissors or wire cutters. The next step I found is crucial to making your pens look seamless and whole. Each pen has the top of it sealed off. If you take your scissors/wire cutters and begin pinching the top and twisting, the little cap begins to lift up.

You'll want to make sure to remove this part so you can fit your flower into the actual pen. This part can be tricky to some students so walking around and helping them may be needed. I noticed that once the kids were able to do it to one pen, the others were very simple.

Next: you'll want to start wrapping the pen. Making sure to pull and stretch while doing so. The floral tape will only adhere to itself so once you get it started on the pen make sure to overlap as you see in the picture. Don't worry about any damages you may see done to the pen from taking the cap off because this will be covered with the tape.

The pen I used in this picture has a clip attached and that left a hole when I removed it. All I did to cover that and ensure it stayed covered was go around it with floral tape a couple of times.

When cutting your flowers, I made sure to leave a little piece of the stem with it to make it more stable within the pen and the hot glue has something inside to attach to. Typically about an inch or less will be great! All you need is about a pea size amount of glue inside the pen and then place the stem of the flower inside the pen.

Once the pen dries you'll be good to go!

TIP: My Advanced Floral Design class made enough pens so all the High School staff could receive one. We attached a small note with some curling ribbon and they were a hit!

I hope everyone has enjoyed their school year so far! Reach out with any ideas or projects you want to see!


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